Laura Langone

I received my PhD from the University of Cambridge (UK) and am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow in Ethics and Applied Ethics at the University of Verona (Italy), Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine. I have also been Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford (UK).
The Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions are the programme of the European Commission to foster excellence in research. My Marie Curie research project NET – Nutrition, Place, and Climate. Nietzsche’s Environmental Ethics aims to demonstrate for the first time how Nietzsche’s thought involves an environmental ethics that can guide our daily actions in harmony with nature.
The planet is on the brink of the environmental catastrophe. If we want to save the planet we must act now. We can't wait anymore. Philosophy needs to think of a new ethical paradigm which must take into account the other beings and the planet, and not just the human species. I strongly believe in the potential of philosophy to change the world. Our daily actions are the translations of our values and these are the translations of our ways of looking at the world. Here is how philosophy comes into play. Philosophy has always reflected on our place in the world and provides invaluable insights to radically rethink our approach towards nature.
We must critically reflect on our bad habits against nature and change them. For this we need new values and a new conception of nature. In short: we need a new environmental ethics. In this blog I will share with you the results of my research as well as thoughts on environmental ethics. I am persuaded that if each of us in their everyday life begins adopting new values based on respect for nature, we will save the planet. Together.
Beyond environmental ethics, my research interests include 19th and 20th century German philosophy and its relationships with Buddhism, as well as animal ethics and comparative philosophy between Western and Buddhist philosophy.
Philosophy is my greatest passion. Furthermore, I am keen to learn about history and art, love reading classic novels, going to museums and hiking in nature.